Professor Toto's Favorite Traditional Songs CD

Not only is it fun for youngsters to play Professor Toto’s Traditional Songs, but as they listen and sing-along they learn another language too! Your children can sing the same songs that children in a foreign country sing. And everyone can follow the words with the easy-to-read lyrics tucked inside.

A happy, gentle voice sings clear words along with simple melodies. Because the song are recorded by a native speaker, children hear and absorb standard pronunciation.

Professor Toto’s Favorite Traditional Chinese Songs CD
CD & Lyrics, Including:
Xiao máo lu
Bu yú ge
Hua yuán li de yáng wá wá
Dà ye láng hé qi xiao yáng
Mì feng zuò gong
Gong xi gong xi
Mu qin! Ni zhen wei dà
Ní wá wá
Wán jù bing
Bá luó bo
Zhòng shù ge
Dào cao li de huo ji
Tài yáng chu lái le
Ma ma de yan ping
Yíng huo chóng
$ 16.95
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Available in
FrenchSpanish ChineseItalian German
Xiao máo lǘ

Wo you yi zhi xiao máo lu
wo cóng lái ye bù qÍ
you yì tian wo xin xue lái cháo
qÍ zhe qù gan jÍ
wo shou li ná zhe xiao pÍ bian
xin li zhèng dé yì
bù zhi zen men hua la la la
wo shai le yi shen nÍ